
Sunset Over the Sea

Hey guys!

My name's Vikram. I'm a master's student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, under the department of Computer Science.

My current research interests are quite broad, encompassing a wide spectrum of interdisciplinarity. Central to my focus is the application of network science and its methodologies across various domains. I also am interested in many different facets of computational biology. I also have another interest in high-performance and scientific computing. I enjoy using multithreading and parallelism to accelerate computation involved in the aforementioned areas.

I currently work in Prof. George Chacko's group on community detection and information diffusion in large citation networks of publications. I am also doing work with Prof. Mohammed El-Kebir on MACH2, a graph theoretic method for inferring migration history for metastatic cancers. I built a visualization of this work here.

Announcement: In Spring 2024, I will be doing research in Tokyo in the National Institute of Informatics (NII) under the guidance of Chifumi Nishioka.


I enjoy longboarding. I am also learning how to ride a horse, and I've been pretty consistent with that as well!

Reach out!
