
Recursion on a Trash Can


If you want to replace a trash can, you need to throw away the old trash can right?

So where do you throw away the trash can if you intend to throw away the trash can you're trying to throw away the trash can in?

I guess you can get the new trash can and throw away the old trash can in the new trash can...

Yeah that works...


Happiness and my iPhone


Let's analogize general happiness with the battery life of my phone. Because I use an iPhone, that happiness level switches a lot throughout the day. Just like a charger, there are things in life that bring that battery percentage up, and if theres no "charger" currently available, it'll naturally fall down.

But here's the thing: how much does that battery NEED to be 100%? Mankind wasn't guaranteed 100% happiness ~ 100% battery. This is where the slight fallacy occurs. If you're happy 100% of the time, you're a sociopath... so in order to keep a healthy balance,

I am never charging my phone to 100%
