
Sunset Over the Sea

Scientometrics and Network Science

Currently, under the guidance of Prof. George Chacko and Prof. Tandy Warnow, I am working with large networks of research papers linked through citation. The largest network I have worked with was a citation network of ~75 million nodes and ~1 billion edges (OpenCitations). The specific projects I'm working on are below:

  • High-performance well-connected community detection (link)

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  • Using multi-dimensional metrics to analyze publication impact both at the community and network scale


Why the image?

George Chacko has a data repository in progress called Citation Rats. As of now, it contains information on a citation network constructed around the study of Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase, an enzyme involved with cell growth and cancer. I have been using this network for my analyses. Feel free to check it out here!

Image generated by DALL-E

Sunset Over the Sea

Migration History Inference of Metastatic Cancers

I have also been working with Prof. Mohammed El-Kebir on using clonal trees inferred from variant allele frequencies (VAFs) to infer anatomic labelings of nodes in the clonal tree and ultimately a migration graph. Since his paper on MACHINA in 2018, we have expanded the solution space to return multiple possible migration histories per primary tumor location.

I created this visualizer. More than simply providing visual aid for the algorithm, it allows users (researchers, oncologists, etc.) to filter through the solution space and enforce priors such as known migrations and/or absences of migrations.

Image: Migration history inferred for a patient recorded in the TracerX consortium.

Sunset Over the Sea

Cyclicity Analysis on COVID in North America

Cyclicity analysis is the technique of aggregating regional linear time series to map spread of a signal over a medium. Cyclicity analysis was traditionally used in neuroscience to infer spread of a signal across the brain given individual synaptic potentials.

However, we now use Cyclicity Analysis to understand the spread of different variants of COVID. Using American and Canadian provincial COVID case time series, spread is mapped across North America.

Image: Inferred spread of the Delta variant of COVID. Redder colors indicate earlier states in the wave, and bluer colors indicate later states in the wave.

Previous Research

(2020-2022) Development of an Instructional Alexa Skill for Older Adults [Department of Community Health, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]

(2017) A Smart Power Outlet That Benefits From Real-Time Pricing [Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign]

* means co-first authorship


  • CM++ - A Meta-method for Well-Connected Community Detection
    Vikram Ramavarapu, Fábio Jose Ayres, Minhyuk Park, Vidya Kamath Pailodi, João Alfredo Cardoso Lamy, Tandy Warnow, and George Chacko (2023)
    In submission at the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) (Link)

Conference Papers

  • Well-Connected Communities in Real-World Networks
    Minhyuk Park*, Yasamin Tabatabaee*, Vikram Ramavarapu*, Baqiao Liu, Vidya Kamath Pailodi, Rajiv Ramachandran, Dmitriy Korobskiy, Fabio Ayres, George Chacko, Tandy Warnow (2023)
    Proceedings in COMPLEX Networks 2023. Invited for submission at PLoS (Link)
  • Demystifying Digital Home Assistant Devices for Older Adults with and without Disabilities
    Kadylak, T., Blocker, K.A, Gowrishankar, S., Malecki, M., Galoso, L., Khamzina, M., Ramavarapu, V., Sreenivas, R.S., & Rogers, W.A. (2021)
    Presented at the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) 2021 Virtual Conference.

Journal Papers

  • A Smart Power Outlet for Electric Devices that can Benefit from Real-Time Pricing
    V.P. Ramavarapu, R. Sreenivas, R. Sowers (2017)
    Initially a conference article in The Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communications (ICCEREC). Published at IEEE (Link)
Talks and Presentations

Inferring Migration Histories of Metastatic Cancers

(2023) This talk was given by Prof. Mohammed El-Kebir. It featured work that I did with Mrinmoy Roddur on MACH2, a software/method for inferring migration history of metastatic cancer. Wrote slides featuring my visualization work in this project. (Link)

Developing a Digital Home Assistant Recommendation and Instructional Support Application for Older Adults with Mobility Disability

(2021) I gave a virtual presentation at the undergraduate research symposium. I gave an overview of the Intructional Alexa Application that I developed for the Human Factors and Aging Laboratory under Prof. Wendy Rogers. The presentation went over the application development process as well as the HCI/usability principles involved in application design.